Environmental Health


At A Glance: The Environmental Health Department issues on-site septic system permits, runs the Licensed Facility Program and Drinking Water Program, is in charge of the County Solid Waste Program, and other environmental health consultations.
Staff: Evan Magner, REHST
Kelly Friend, Clerk
Phone:  (541)473-5186
Fax:  (541)473-5580
Email: Evan.Magner@malheurco.org
Postal Address: 251 B Street W
Vale, OR 97918
Online Payments: Pay Environmental Health Fees here
Websites & Links: Online Food Handler Certificates
Restaurant Inspections Scores for Malheur and Baker County
Onsite Wastewater (septic) Maps and Information 
How to use Onsite Wastewater Map 
More links below:
Location: The Environmental Health Office is located in the east wing on the first floor of the county courthouse.
   Directions to Environmental Health