Emergency Management

 At A Glance: The Emergency Management Division is responsible for emergency management throughout the county.
 Staff: Rich Harriman, Lieutenant
 Phone:  (541) 473-5120
Email    Richard.Harriman@malheurco.org
 Postal Address:  151 “B” St. West
Vale, OR 97918
Websites & Links: See below. 
 Location: The Emergency Management office is located next to the county courthouse in the Sheriff’s office.

In the event of an emergency, or during high water flows, information on flood warnings can be found at the National Weather Service website, at http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/boi/. During
times of high water flows, when evacuation is immanent,  the Emergency Alert
System will also be activated, and information will be provided on KSRV radio
and Boise television stations.

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Malheur County
Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)

County Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP)