
PLEASE NOTE: Oregon County Surveyor’s duties are outlined in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) §209.070. A county surveyor’s office reviews, files, and maintains survey maps and plats, oversees the public land corner preservation program, and assists the public with survey-related questions. County surveyors’ offices do not provide or offer private boundary surveying services to the public or private citizens.

Appointments are recommended! Surveyor could be out in the field.

General Business Hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Mountain Time, M-F (excluding lunch hour) Closed on all State Holidays, except Columbus Day (and closed the day after Thanksgiving).

Staff: Derrick McKrola, County Surveyor – appointed 9/15/2022
Phone:  (541) 473-5520
Fax: (541) 473-5168
Postal Address: 251 “B” St. West, #7
Vale, OR 97918
 Links Find a Professional Licensed Land Surveyor In Your Area

or Click Here For Active Surveyors In Malheur County

Map of Surveys

Corner Forms

Plats and Subdivisions

Malheur County GIS for Other Information and Links

ODOT Map Center

OR/WA BLM Land Records

Oregon Railroad Map Search

Location: In the Juvenile wing on the first floor of the courthouse in Vale next to the Planning Department.

County Surveyors in Oregon are responsible for keeping a record of all surveys performed in their county by either the county surveyor or other licensed land surveyors, and making these records available to the public. They also have a duty to perpetuate public land survey corners by protecting, maintaining, or reestablishing them.


Original maps, or copies, of all surveys performed in the county since about 1976 are kept in the County Surveyor’s office. Some older survey maps are also available. Some 2000 survey paper maps in all can be viewed by, and reproduced for, the public.

Public Land Survey (PLS) corners are the section corners and quarter corners originally set by federal government survey contractors. There are over 30,000 of them in Malheur County. Records concerning these corners are available in two reproducible formats: the notes of all the original surveys that laid out the townships and sections are on microfiche, and recent corner recoveries or replacements by local surveyors are on paper.

Among the miscellaneous maps that show information pertaining to property include: USGS quadrangle maps, Bureau of Reclamation right of way maps, and Union Pacific Railroad right of way maps. Road maps are kept at the County Road Department office in Vale.


Fees are charged for reviewing and filing survey documents as follows:

  • Property survey maps – $150.00
  • Partition plats – $200.00
  • Subdivision plats – $300.00 + $50.00 per lot
  • Corner forms – no charge *Corner forms may be required to be filed with the County Surveyor*
  • Nominal copying charges begin at $0.25 per letter size page.