It takes a tremendous effort to provide all the services Malheur County is responsible for. Below is a listing of the county offices and departments and a brief description of their responsibilities. Click the department name to learn more about its services and how to contact the department.
Department | Responsibilities |
Administrative Office | County budget, personnel, accounts payable and the car pool. |
Ambulance Service District | Emergency Medical Services and Ambulance Districts. |
Assessor | Property valuations, record searches, cartography, sales information, veteran’s information, senior citizen’s deferrals, B.O.P.T.A., and exemption |
Building | Completes plan review and inspections – issues building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permits. |
Circuit Court of Malheur County | A State of Oregon entity located in the County Courthouse. They can be reached at 541-473-5171 or here. |
County Clerk | Real estate records, County Court Minutes, Elections, Marriage records, Passport acceptance agent. |
County Counsel | Provides legal advice to the County Court, county employees, elected officials and county boards. |
County Court (Commission) | The elected body which governs Malheur County. Public Notices |
District Attorney | Prosecutes all felony and misdemeanor crimes committed in Malheur county. The District Attorney’s Office also provides child support enforcement, and victim’s advocacy services. |
Economic Development | Business and industrial development, demographic research and information, grant research and information, economic and community development. |
Emergency Management | Emergency management, 9-1-1 dispatch center. Alert Sense SignUp. |
Environmental Health | Issues septic system permits, is in charge of the solid waste and licensing programs and consultations. |
Extension Service | Educational programs in agriculture, lawn and garden, youth development, foods, nutrition and family living. |
Fair / Desert Sage Event Center | Oversees the county’s yearly fair held each August. The fairgrounds are busy year round with a variety of events. Please check out our website to find out more about using our facilities and to find the most current information about upcoming events. |
GIS | Provides support to County Government by creating, analyzing and maintaining Malheur County geographical digital data. |
Health Department | Health Department: Immunizations; Family Planning; Communicable Disease; HIV Testing and Counseling; Emergency Preparedness; Vital Statistics (birth certificates/death certificates); Seasonal influenza vaccines; Breast and Cervical Cancer Program; and Maternal Child health nurse home visiting programs. WIC is a nutrition education program that provides supplemental foods and nutrition information to keep pregnant women, infants and children under 5 healthy and strong. |
Jail | Incarceration of sentenced offenders and other suspects awaiting court procedures. |
Juvenile Justice | Juvenile crime and delinquency, juvenile dependency, abuse and neglect. |
Justice Court of Malheur County | Ontario and Nyssa municipal courts, trials, small claims, community court. |
Parks | Bully Creek park, boat ramps and restrooms at various reservoirs. |
Planning | Zoning permits, land use applications for planning commission actions. |
Probation & Parole | Oversees the county’s parole and probation. |
Road | Road and bridge maintenance and construction, shop and weed control. |
Sheriff | Sheriff’s administration, civil, concealed handgun licenses, corrections/jail, dispatch, emergency services, patrol and investigation. |
State Watermaster | The Department’s mission is to serve the public by practicing and promoting responsible water management. |
Surveyor | Responsible for survey maps and plats, and corner monument information. |
Tax | Tax mailings, tax collections. |
Treasurer | Investments, tax disbursements. |
Veteran Services | Provides assistance and guidance to Malheur County Veterans and their dependents for benefits provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the state of Oregon free of charge. |
Vector Control District | Malheur County Vector Control is here to monitor the presence of the West Nile Virus in thee Culex mosquitoes. Once the virus is detected, then the Malheur Vector Control will apply pesticides to the proven affected areas as well as continue to monitor for the virus. However until the virus is detected, we will focus our effort on applying larvacides and testing the culex population for the West Nile Virus. |
Weed Inspector | Noxious weed control, educating public about noxious weeds, noxious weed inventory and mapping, ordinance enforcement. |