At a glance: | Incarceration of sentenced offenders and other suspects awaiting court procedures. |
Staff: | Lt. Rachel Reyna, Jail Commander. |
Phone: | (541) 473-5510 |
Fax: | (541) 473-5136 |
Email: | |
Postal Address: | 151 “B” St. West Vale, OR 97918 |
Location: |
Adjacent and east of Malheur County Courthouse in Vale. |
Visiting Information
Visiting hours at the jail are Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Evening visits are Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with no exceptions. Arrangements for visitations can be made by calling (541) 473-5528 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. for morning visits and 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. for evening visits on the same day visitation is desired. Picture identification is required. Visits can last up to 30 minutes with a maximum of two visitors per inmate, including an infant, child, relative or friend. Any visitor who is more than five minutes late will not be allowed to visit.
All visitors will be required to produce a valid form of picture
identification (driver’s license or ID card). The Malheur County Corrections
personnel will keep this identification until the visit is completed. Personnel
are not responsible for identification that is left after visitation periods. If
you have no photo identification, you will not be allowed to visit. No one under
age 18 may visit an inmate, unless accompanied by a family member who is over
Dispatch or corrections personnel may terminate visitation at any time.
Bringing items for inmates
- Family and friends may bring cash or credit/debit
card to be deposited in the inmate’s trust
and/or phone account through the Telmate Kiosk, located in the front lobby. The jail no longer accepts cash or money orders for commissary. - Family and friends may bring personal clothing for inmates going to trial.
- Family and friends may bring underclothing. Inmates are allowed the following underclothing: three pair of underwear, three pair of socks, three plain white crew neck T-shirts (with no pockets or writing on them) and three bras (without underwire).
- Inmates being released from custody are required to take all personal
property when they leave the facility. Any items that remain at the facility
after 30 days will be disposed of. If the inmate is being transported to another
agency, all personal property must be released prior to being transported.
Inmates will not be able to take personal property, with the exception of legal
mail, on the transport. It is the responsibility of the inmate to complete a
property release form and have personal property released before leaving the
Telephone access
Inmates in the Malheur Correctional Facility have access to collect and
prepaid calls (through Telmate) only telephones while in the day room from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Telephone calls are monitored by corrections facility staff and subject to termination at any time. Social calls to inmates are not accepted and messages are not relayed to inmates. People who have received unwanted collect calls from inmates may contact the sheriff’s office at (541) 473-5510 to request a block on their telephone number.
- All incoming mail is subject to inspection for contraband.
- Inmates are responsible for their own writing and postage items. These items may be purchased through the commissary.
- Inmates without sufficient funds will be provided with a limited amount of writing and postage items.
- Letters to inmates should be addressed as follows:
Inmate Name
Malheur County Correctional Facility
151 “B” Street West
Vale, OR 97918
Letters without a complete mailing address will be refused and returned.
Court arraignments
In most cases, inmates will appear in court on the next scheduled day after
being lodged in the Malheur County Correctional Facility, excluding weekends.
Local “in custody” court arraignment times are: Monday through Friday beginning
at 1 p.m.
Release information
The release deputy or designee can interview newly lodged inmates, with local
charges, and help with questions regarding release. The deputies cannot help
with legal questions regarding inmates.
Bail is 10 percent of the full security amount listed on the charges. The
court will retain 15 percent, up to $200, of the deposit, for court costs, fines
and restitution. The court may order the deposit forfeited to the State of
Oregon if the inmate violates the conditions of release. For the bail to be
refunded, an application must be made to the court, not the jail. No money will
be refunded until all matters regarding the case(s) are completed in court.
- Bail/Security is accepted seven days a week, 24 hours a day, including
holidays. - Bail will be accepted in the form of cash only.