Malheur County Court de novo Public Hearing Lee PAPA – 07/28 and 08/11, 2021


Malheur County Court will hold two de novo public hearings on July 28, 2021 and August 11, 2021 at 10:00 am in the Malheur County Courtroom Room 106 at 251 B Street W, Vale OR 97918 for reading and the adoption of the Ordinance #228.

Directions to join the public meeting remotely:
Login by computer/tablet/smartphone:
Call in: (571) 317-3129
Access Code: 299-510-653

Applicant: Darren Lee: the previously submitted materials introduced into the record during the Malheur County Planning Commission hearings can be located here.

Ordinance #228 – an ordinance adopting a post acknowledgement comprehensive plan amendment to include approximately 54 acres of tax lot 3200, a 308.42 acre parcel, assessor’s map 16S47E on the Malheur County Comprehensive Plan Goal 5 Resource Inventory as a significant aggregate site. Planning Department file #2021-03-010. Site is located west of the intersection of Hwy 201 and Mesquite Road, about 1 mile west on Mesquite Rd. The owner of the property is Dallas Head. MCC Title 6, Chapter 10.

Memo to Court prepared by Staff (with all previously submitted exhibits, entered into the record at Planning Commission hearings)

Introduced into the record for the July 28th hearing:

Exhibit 27: Gravel Quality Analysis, dated 11.18.2020
Exhibit 28: Gravel Quantity and Quality Analysis for the Dehaven Quarry
Exhibit 29: Images of Old State Pit
Exhibit 30: Images of Partially Quarried Exposed Gravel Site
Exhibit 31: Map of Past Quarry Activity
Exhibit 32: Map of Test Holes Sites
Exhibit 33: Legal Description of the Property, submitted by Darren Lee
Exhibit 34: Mapped Out Legal Description, indicated in Exhibit 33, as interpreted by MC Engineer, Tom Edwards
Exhibit 35: Statement read into the record by Mike Hasting at the 07.28.2021 hearing

Introduced into the record for the August 11th hearing:

Exhibit 36: Email from Mandi Hasting, dated 07.28.2021
Exhibit 37: Email from Bill Downing, dated 07.31.2021
Exhibit 38: Email from Mike Hasting, dated 08.09.2021
Exhibit 39 Email to Darren Lee, dated 03.22.2021, read into the record by Eric Evans at the 08.11.2021 hearing


Please note, the call-in number is not toll free, this shouldn’t be a problem if you are calling from a cell phone. A toll-free number is available upon request, by calling the Planning & Zoning office at (541) 473-5185.

Interested persons may appear and will be provided an opportunity to be heard. For the health and safety of the Planning Commission members and members of the public, Malheur County encourages people to join electronically. Written comments may be received prior to the hearing by sending them to Eric Evans, Planning Director, 251 B Street West #12, Vale, Oregon 97918 or

Testimony, arguments and evidence must be directed toward the criteria set out above, or other substantive criteria in Malheur County’s Comprehensive Plan or land use regulations that the person believes apply to the application.

Failure to raise an issue at the hearing, in person, or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the Planning Commission an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes an appeal to the Malheur County Court or the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.

A copy of the application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at the Malheur County Planning Department Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 (noon) and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the county website at no cost. Copies can be provided for $0.25 per page. In addition, copies of the Staff Report will be available at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing at a reasonable cost or can be viewed on the County website or in the planning department office at no cost. Please contact the Planning Director (541-473-5185) for additional information.