Planning Commission – September 27, 2018


The Malheur County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing September 27, 2018, at 7:30pm in the Malheur County Extension Office, 710 SW 5th Avenue, Ontario, Oregon, on the following items;

1. CANCELLED – Wally & Julie Sweet – Applicant / Owner – Conditional Use application for one non-farm dwelling and one non-farm partition in an Exclusive Farm Use zone pursuant to MCC Title 6, Chapter 6, Conditional Uses 6-3A-3(R), Sections 6-6-7, 6-6-8-1 and 6-6-8-2, and OAR 660, Division 33, Agricultural Lands. Tax Lot 1200, Section 36, T.17S, R.44E, W.M. Planning Department File #2018-08-008. Malheur County Ref. #13157. From Vale go north on John Day Hwy to 4th Ave. Turn left and travel west one mile to South Rd. C. Continue for .5 miles to the gate on the right side of the road.

2. Laverne & Dawn Rathbun – Applicant / Owner – Conditional Use application for a Kennel/Minor Home Occupation in a Rural Residential zone pursuant to MCC Title 6, Conditional Uses 6-3C-3 (L), and 6-6-6-8. Tax Lot 6200, Section 21, T.17S, R.47E, W.M. Planning Department File #2018-08- 018. Malheur County Ref. #15633. Off of Hwy 201, one mile from Loves Truck Stop. Left on Casa Rio Dr. on the left before the canal.

Failure of an issue to be raised in a hearing, in person or by letter, or failure with sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the County Court or Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. Applicants petitions and staff reports are available for review at the County Planning Department; 251 B Street West; Vale, Oregon, 97918; phone (541) 473-5185.


Applicant and Qurom were not present and the meeting was continued.